Why cats can’t fish

Can cats eat fish?

Cats can certainly eat fish. An occasional fish snack will not be harmful to your cat in most cases, but it is not a complete food source for your cat. This means that while fish provides your cat with the protein it needs, it lacks various minerals and vitamins that your cat needs for a healthy diet. Fish should always be an occasional treat for cats.

So why do cats love fish? Over time, modern domestic cats became acquainted with fish and became fascinated with them. From their distinct scent and the way they move to the shiny scales that play with the light, fish are simply irresistible to cats. Fish for cats is a fascinating, shiny toy that has an unusually interesting smell.

Can cats eat raw fish?

Raw fish is not suitable for cats because it contains an enzyme called thiaminase, which breaks down thiamine, which is an important B vitamin for your cat. If cats have too little thiamine, they can develop serious health problems.

What’s more, raw fish is usually a breeding ground for bacteria, which, just like in humans, can cause food poisoning in your cat. Take E. coli and salmonella as examples of two dangerous bacteria that can affect cats and humans.

Following the same logic, you may be wondering, “Can my cat eat sushi?” Actually no, primarily due to the high raw fish content.

Can cats eat fish bones?

Fish bones are just as problematic for your cat as they are for you. The only difference is that you can detect and remove the bones before you swallow them, whereas your cat will likely not notice the thin little spines until they are somewhere in the mouth and digestive tract.

Not only is it painful for cats, but ingesting a fish bone can cause internal organ damage. And don’t forget that fish bones can be a choking hazard, so don’t give them to your kitten. After all, they offer no nutritional value compared to a tasty piece of cooked and unseasoned fish.

Fish in commercial cat foods

Commercial cat foods that list fish as a key ingredient do not always contain the highest quality fish. They usually contain trimmings and residues that are not fit for human consumption. This means that from a nutritional point of view, this fish is unlikely to provide your cat with any of the benefits that good quality fish might offer.

These low-quality fish typically contain ground up bones, intestines and other less attractive pieces of fish that are high in minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. If your cat consumes too much of these minerals, it can cause kidney problems or urinary tract problems. If your cat already has kidney problems, she should probably avoid eating fish altogether.

Commercial cat foods may also contain preservatives to extend the shelf life of fish ingredients, which may cause some adverse side effects for your cat, such as changes in liver function.

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